I had the major urge to type "I'm back bitches!" but that just seemed a little bit too harsh! But I have to say that it has been an extremely long almost 7 weeks since I have felt like I can get out and do some type of activity. I stayed in touch with my bootcamp coach the whole time making sure that I tried to stay accountable. Unfortunately in the last couple of weeks (mainly since Halloween!) I have felt myself slipping back into old bad habits. I find this extremely frustrating that all the hard work that I did in 5 weeks can be reversed so quickly. I actually have no idea what I am weighing right now, I am assuming that I have gained a few pounds back. I plan on doing a weigh in on Sunday or Monday so that I have a base line to start from again.
I am still planning on my big comeback involving the Trek for life and breath for the BC Lung Association, butI am sure all of you bike riders now know about the Grandfondo that is happening in the Fraser Valley in June. I got really excited about this, not only because it is another potential race, but because it is local, AND... they have an easier ride for newbies that is only 80 kms! I think this is awesome!
I missed being in this space, and I am hoping that this is the official "push" of the reset button!
Thanks for hanging out, see you soon...